AGF Investments has filed preliminary prospectuses with Canadian securities regulators for the launch of two actively managed ETFs providing global equity and bond exposures.

The funds will provide global equity and bond exposures.
The funds will list on the Toronto Stock Exchange and come with management fees of 0.65%.
Global equity
The AGF Global Sustainable Growth Equity ETF (AGSB CN) will seek to provide long-term capital appreciation and may hold common shares, convertibles, warrants, and income trust securities.
The strategy seeks firms with proven management, strategic advantages, favourable valuations, and financial strength including above-average sales or earnings growth potential.
The ETF will maintain a socially responsible mandate by avoiding companies engaged in the production of fossil fuels as well as those with ‘unsustainable’ businesses, defined as those that are compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Global bond
The second fund is the AGF Global Opportunities Bond ETF (AGLB CN) which seeks long-term capital appreciation as well as interest income by investing in government and corporate securities from issuers around the world. The fund may invest in both investment-grade and high-yield bonds.
The strategy combines bottom-up and top-down approaches in bond selection, country allocation, category allocation, currency management, and duration management.
Product line-up
Karrie Van Belle, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer, AGFI, commented, “As we look across our investment management platform we want to ensure our product line-up has the best representation of our strengths while also expanding our distribution reach through a variety of investment vehicles.
“We recognize that our clients require choice and options in the way they access our strategies to best meet the structure of their respective businesses and investors’ portfolios.”
AGFI has also announced the termination of two existing ETFs – the AGFiQ Global Equity ETF Portfolio (QGL CN) and the AGFiQ US Long/Short Dividend Income CAD-Hedged ETF (QUDV CN).
The funds, which house less than C$60 million in assets under management collectively, will de-list from the Toronto Stock Exchange on 23 October 2020.