Deutsche Bank lists suite of Italian Government Bond ETFs

Feb 15th, 2012 | By | Category: Fixed Income

DB X-trackers has launched a range of ETFs tracking the performance of government bonds issued by the Italian state. The funds have been listed on Borsa Italiana and track derivations of the MTS Italy Ex-Bank of Italy Index.

Deutsche Bank lists suite of Italian Government Bond ETFs

The policies of Mario Monti, Italy's Prime Minister, have restored a degree of confidence to Italian debt markets.

The MTS Italy Ex-Bank of Italy Index measures the performance of a portfolio of Italian government bonds including BTPs, BOTs and CCTs and is calculated and distributed by EuroMTS. The composition of each index is reviewed on a weekly basis to reflect recent debt issuances.

The funds (listed below) are the first ETFs to track Italian Government Bonds.

The db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BOT ETF reflects the return on a portfolio of Italian government debt instruments known as BOTs (Treasury Bills). These are zero-coupon bonds with a maximum maturity of 12 months. The fund includes all BOT listed on the MTS platform and, consistent with the nature of the securities that comprise it, does not distribute dividends. The TER is 0.15% per annum.

The db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BTP ETF reflects the performance of a portfolio of Italian government debt instruments known as BTP. These are traditional fixed-rate bonds. The underlying index includes all the BTPs traded on MTS platform and is a Total Return with coupons reinvested. The ETF provides an annual distribution of income and comes with a TER of 0.20% per annum.

The db x-trackers II MTS Ex-Bank of Italy Aggregate ETF is designed to offer investors the opportunity to capitalise on all variations of Italian public debt listed on the MTS platform in the following categories: Treasury bills, BTPs, CCTs (Treasury certificates), and CTZs (zero-coupon Treasury certificates). The Aggregate Index MTS Italy – Ex-Bank of Italy is a Total Return Index, with coupon payments reinvested. The ETF provides an annual distribution of income and comes with a TER of 0.20% per annum.

In addition to the above Italian Government Bond ETFs, Deutsche Bank has also launched a number of other funds tracking European and German government bonds, including the db x-trackers II IBOXX € Sovereigns Eurozone TR Index ETF (4%-D) and the db x-trackers II IBOXX € Germany TR Index (4%-D).

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