Mackenzie Investments launches 12 passive index ETFs on Toronto exchange

Jan 29th, 2018 | By | Category: Alternatives / Multi-Asset

Mackenzie Investments has launched 12 new ETFs on Toronto Stock Exchange, providing passive broad-based access to segments of the equity and fixed-income markets across various single-country, regional, and global exposures.

Mackenzie Investments ETFs Canada Toronto Stock Exchange

Mackenzie Investments opened the market at the Toronto Stock Exchange to celebrate the launch of their ETFs.

The new range marks a change of direction for Toronto-based Mackenzie whose ETF line-up has until now focused on actively managed and smart beta strategies.

The new ETFs, each of which tracks a market cap-weighted index calculated by Solactive, almost double of the range of ETFs now offered by Mackenzie.

On the equity side, the underlying Solactive indices provide access to diversified baskets of Canadian, US, and developed market stocks, while on the fixed-income side, the underlying indices target Canadian bonds, US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), and US dollar-denominated corporate bonds.

Among the new funds are five currency-hedged ETFs, providing CAD-hedging for US- or international-based exposures.

Timo Pfeiffer, head of research at Solactive, commented, “We are excited about these ETF launches, some of which are the first ETFs linked to Solactive’s new Global Benchmark Series. We look forward to continuing expanding our business in the Canadian market.”

The funds, their management expense ratios (MERs), and the underlying Solactive indices are outlined below:

Mackenzie Canadian Equity Index ETF (QCN CN). MER – 0.05%
Solactive Canada Broad Market Index

Mackenzie Canadian Large Cap Equity Index ETF (QCE CN). MER – 0.05%
Solactive Canada Large Cap Index

Mackenzie US Large Cap Equity Index ETF (QUU CN). MER – 0.08%
Solactive US Large Cap Index

Mackenzie International Equity Index ETF (QDX CN). MER – 0.20%
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex North America Large & Mid Cap Index

Mackenzie US Large Cap Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (QAH CN). MER – 0.08%
Solactive US Large Cap Hedged to CAD Index

Mackenzie International Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (QDXH CN). MER – 0.20%
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex North America Large & Mid Cap Hedged to CAD Index

Mackenzie Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (QBB CN). MER – 0.09%
Solactive Canadian Select Universe Bond Index

Mackenzie Canadian Short-Term Bond Index ETF (QSB CN). MER – 0.09%
Solactive Canadian Select Short Term Bond Index

Mackenzie Canadian All Corporate Bond Index ETF (QCB CN). MER – 0.30%
Solactive Canadian Select Corporate Bond Index

Mackenzie US High Yield Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (QHY CN). MER – 0.50%
Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Hedged to CAD Index

Mackenzie US Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (QUIG CN). MER – 0.25%
Solactive Select USD Investment Grade Corporate Hedged to CAD Index

Mackenzie US TIPS Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (QTIP CN). MER – 0.20%
Solactive US Treasury Inflation-Linked Bond Hedged to CAD Index

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