Amundi ETF makes 48 products available on Navesis-ETF

Mar 28th, 2012 | By | Category: ETF and Index News

Tradition and Nomura have announced that Navesis-ETF, a fully electronic trading platform designed to enhance the way ETFs are traded, has added a new issuer – Amundi ETF – to the platform. Amundi ETF, a division of Amundi Asset Management Group, has made 48 of its most liquid products available to trade on Navesis-ETF.

Amundi ETF makes 48 products available on Navesis-ETF

Amundi ETF has made 48 of its most liquid ETFs available to trade on Navesis-ETF, a multilateral trading facility for ETFs.

Following the launch of Navesis-ETF in February, and a move into Emerging Markets earlier this month, there are now almost 200 products live on the platform, covering ETFs, ETCs and Fixed Income products. The trading platform continues to widen its offering by adding products from additional issuers and across asset classes, to respond to a rapidly evolving ETF environment.

Amundi ETF joins six other issuers whose products are already on the platform, including db X-trackers, iShares, Lyxor, ETF Securities, HSBC and Source. With over 100 ETFs and $9.5bn (€7.1bn) in assets under management at 29 February 2012, Amundi ETF covers the main asset classes (equities, fixed income, EONIA, and commodities) and geographical exposures (Europe, US, emerging markets, and world).

Rupert Hodges, Managing Director of TFS Derivatives Ltd, a subsidaiary of Tradition, commented: “We are pleased to announce the addition of Amundi ETF on to the platform.  As a major ETF issuer with a great range of highly liquid products, the addition of Amundi is consistent with our strategy to broaden our product and issuer offering, and cater for our members’ precise wants and needs. ”

Lee Burrows, Head of Delta One EMEA, at Nomura added: “The market’s reaction to Navesis-ETF has been incredibly encouraging.  In little over a month, the platform already lists almost 200 products and has attracted interest from participants across the industry. The addition of issuers like Amundi ETF adds further depth, reach and tradability to the platform. Product and issuer additions will continue to be rolled out as the platform grows in line with client demand.”

Navesis-ETF is the first multilateral trading facility that facilitates net asset value-based trading in the ETF primary market, across all asset classes. A joint venture between Tradition, an interdealer broker, and Nomura, an investment bank and leading market maker in ETFs, the platform has been designed to increase transparency and efficiency in the way ETFs are traded, boost market liquidity, reduce costs and be fully regulatory-compliant.

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